Parish Mass Schedule
All Masses are currently held at
St. John the Baptist Church, Port Severn
16 Port Severn Rd North
beside Hwy 400- Honey Harbour Rd. exit
Weekend Masses
Saturday 5pm & Sunday 9 am
Weekday Masses
Thursday and Friday 12:10pm
Fridays 11:30am-12pm
Saturdays 4:15pm - 4:45pm
Our Lady of Mercy Church - Honey Harbour
Reopens on the long weekend in May 2025
Our Lady of Mercy Parish Office
P.O. Box 126
2596 Honey Harbor
Honey Harbour, ON P0E 1E0
Phone - 705 756-2311
Email: [email protected]
All Masses are currently held at
St. John the Baptist Church, Port Severn
16 Port Severn Rd North
beside Hwy 400- Honey Harbour Rd. exit
Weekend Masses
Saturday 5pm & Sunday 9 am
Weekday Masses
Thursday and Friday 12:10pm
Fridays 11:30am-12pm
Saturdays 4:15pm - 4:45pm
Our Lady of Mercy Church - Honey Harbour
Reopens on the long weekend in May 2025
Our Lady of Mercy Parish Office
P.O. Box 126
2596 Honey Harbor
Honey Harbour, ON P0E 1E0
Phone - 705 756-2311
Email: [email protected]
Our Parish Bulletin
Presentation of the Lord - February 2, 2025
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Mary and Joseph were faithful to the law when they came to present their forty-day-old Son in the temple and offer the prescribed sacrifice. Simeon and Anna show us, however, that more is necessary than obedience to the law in order to recognize the presence of the Son-Messiah. Filled with expectation, they were actively waiting and looking for “the Christ of the Lord” and the “redemption of Jerusalem.” Their very expectation and waiting was the work of the Holy Spirit within them. As with Simeon and Anna, our own lives must be filled with the expectation and waiting that is truly the work of the Holy Spirit within us. Only then will we see and recognize the Messiah in our midst.
Parish Masses & Schedule
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Saturday, February 1, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, February 2, 9am - For the repose of Martin Quenneville
by Bev and family
Weekday Masses
No Mass on Wednesday, February 5
Thursday, February 6, 12:10pm
Friday, February 7, 12:10pm
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, February 8, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, February 9, 9am - For the repose of the soul of Joseph Moreau by Ann and David
We will have the Blessing of Throats before and after weekend Masses on this weekend.
Holy Hour/Confessions – Friday, February 7, 11am-12:00pm
Friday Faith Study – Hope does not Disappoint! – Friday February 7, 1pm-2pm
Offertory Collections
January 26 –$ 505.00. Thank you for your generous giving!
From our Bishop
THE JUBILEE OF CONSECRATED LIFE will take place at St. Mary’s Church in Lindsay this Sunday, February 2 at the 11:00 a.m. Mass. This Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is annually the World Day for Consecrated Life, established by Pope St. John Paul II in 1997. It happens to fall on a Sunday this year which adds to the festivity! We have invited to this Mass priests and sisters from religious orders who serve with great faithfulness in the Diocese of Peterborough – and we will host them at the celebratory luncheon afterwards. This Mass for Consecrated Life is one of our first major Diocesan events for the Jubilee year, and I am delighted that it will also be livestreamed on St Mary's YouTube channel. You can look ahead to other planned events for the Jubilee on our Diocesan website.
I HEARD THE OFFICIAL HYMN FOR THE JUBILEE YEAR for the first time this week and both the words and the music are quite beautiful. You can listen to “Pilgrims of Hope” (and read the lyrics) on YouTube. Our Office for Spiritual Affairs has created a bookmark with the lyrics that has been sent to parishes so they can insert it in their hymnals for this year. I know many people dread learning new hymns, but I think this one will be a hit!
+Bishop Daniel
Hymn for the Jubilee Year 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope
Refrain: Like a flame my hope is burning,
may my song arise to you:
Source of life that has no ending,
on life’s path I trust in you.
1.Ev’ry nation, tongue, and people
find a light within your Word.
Scattered fragile sons and daughters
find a home in your dear Son.
2.God, so tender and so patient,
dawn of hope, you care for all.
Heav’n and earth are recreated
by the Spirit of Life set free.
3. Raise your eyes, the wind is blowing,
for our God is born in time.
Son made man for you and many
who will find the way in him.
Original text: Pierangelo Sequeri
English translation: Andrew Wadsworth
Music: Francesco Meneghello
3rd Sunday or Ordinary Time - January 26,2025
Jubilee Year Message
From the Canadian Bishops’ Development & Peace Organization
As we begin our journey for the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis reminds us that “hope should be granted to the billions of the poor who often lack the essentials of life and that “the goods of the Earth are not destined for a privileged few but for everyone.” (Spes Non Confundit, 15-16) Inspired by this call to justice, we are joining Caritas Internationalis’ campaign “Turn Debt into Hope” along with many other faith-based and civil society organizations.
Together, we urge decision-makers to prioritise people and planet over mere profit and demand debt justice for communities crushed by unjust and unpayable debts. As the Holy Father writes, “if we really wish to prepare a path to peace in our world, we must commit ourselves to remedying the remote causes of injustice, settling unjust and unpayable debts” (Spes Non Confundit, 16). This Jubilee year 2025, under the theme “Pilgrims of Hope,” Pope Francis invites Catholics to renew their hope and adopt a vision that can “restore access to the fruits of the earth to everyone.”
Parish Masses & Schedule
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, January 25, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, January 26, 9am - For the repose of Claude Nicholson and
Lois McDermott by Freda and Family
Sunday, January 26- We will have the Baptism of Ashlynn Jordan during
our 9 am Mass this week. Let us keep her and her family in prayer!
Weekday Masses
No Mass on Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30, 12:10pm
Friday, January 31, 12:10pm
4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, February 1, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, February 2, 9am - For the repose of Martin Quenneville by Bev
and family
Holy Hour/Confessions – Friday, January 31, 11am-12:00pm
Friday Faith Study – Hope does not Disappoint! – Friday January 31, 1pm-2pm
Offertory Collections
January 19 –$ 1230.00. Thank you for your generous giving!
Our Parish Friday Faith Study - Fridays, 1pm-2pm at St. John the Baptist
Jubilee 2025 – Hope Does Not Disappoint!
Exploring Pope Francis’ reflection for the Jubilee Year with a six week Bible study prepared by our Canadian Bishops.
The themes are:
1. A Universal Call to Jubilee: to be celebrated in Rome and worldwide
2. Hope: Rooted in Baptism and enlivened by the Holy Spirit, faith, hope, love, and patience sustain us.
3. A Journey of Hope: we are a pilgrim people.
4. Signs of Hope: the desire for peace and justice and the call to be signs of hope for the poor, imprisoned, sick and dying.
5. Appeals for Hope: ensuring the fruits of the earth are available to everyone, the forgiveness of debt, and celebrating the 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicea emphasizing our call to be synodal and to evangelize.
6. Anchored in Hope: the death and resurrection of Jesus, the witness of the Mother of God, the saints and martyrs, the gift of indulgences and their importance.
You will find a sign up sheet in the entrance area of the Church for this study.
From our Bishop
OUR INDIGENOUS RECONCILIATION FUND will soon open its third round of applications for projects. We are grateful to all those who have donated to his important cause and to the members of our IRF Committee who carefully screen the submissions, seeking projects that will promote the cause of Truth and Reconciliation in our Diocese. You can see more about the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund on our Peterborough Diocese website, including a list of those worthy projects that were supported in rounds one and two.
BLESSED CARLO ACUTIS AND BLESSED PIER GIORGIO FRASSATTI will both be canonized in this Jubilee Year of Hope: Bl. Carlo at the Jubilee for Teenagers on April 27, and Bl. Pier Giorgio as part of the Jubilee for Youth on August 3. Although the Diocese is not sponsoring pilgrimages to these events, parishes may wish to mark the canonization of these two remarkable young men! Blessed Carlo, who passed away in 2006 at the age of fifteen, is often referred to as “the first millennial saint.”
+Bishop Daniel
To gain access to all of FORMED’s content, follow these simple steps:
1. Go to
2. Click the "Sign Up" button at the top of the page
3. Select the "Sign up as a parishioner" option.
4. Search for Our Lady of Mercy Parish Honey Harbour, ON and select this parish.
5. Type your name and e-mail. You're now registered!
You will receive a welcome email, which provides you with the option of watching some intro videos that can help you navigate the platform with more ease. Formed can also be viewed/listened to on your smartphone!
Presentation of the Lord - February 2, 2025
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Mary and Joseph were faithful to the law when they came to present their forty-day-old Son in the temple and offer the prescribed sacrifice. Simeon and Anna show us, however, that more is necessary than obedience to the law in order to recognize the presence of the Son-Messiah. Filled with expectation, they were actively waiting and looking for “the Christ of the Lord” and the “redemption of Jerusalem.” Their very expectation and waiting was the work of the Holy Spirit within them. As with Simeon and Anna, our own lives must be filled with the expectation and waiting that is truly the work of the Holy Spirit within us. Only then will we see and recognize the Messiah in our midst.
Parish Masses & Schedule
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Saturday, February 1, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, February 2, 9am - For the repose of Martin Quenneville
by Bev and family
Weekday Masses
No Mass on Wednesday, February 5
Thursday, February 6, 12:10pm
Friday, February 7, 12:10pm
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, February 8, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, February 9, 9am - For the repose of the soul of Joseph Moreau by Ann and David
We will have the Blessing of Throats before and after weekend Masses on this weekend.
Holy Hour/Confessions – Friday, February 7, 11am-12:00pm
Friday Faith Study – Hope does not Disappoint! – Friday February 7, 1pm-2pm
Offertory Collections
January 26 –$ 505.00. Thank you for your generous giving!
From our Bishop
THE JUBILEE OF CONSECRATED LIFE will take place at St. Mary’s Church in Lindsay this Sunday, February 2 at the 11:00 a.m. Mass. This Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is annually the World Day for Consecrated Life, established by Pope St. John Paul II in 1997. It happens to fall on a Sunday this year which adds to the festivity! We have invited to this Mass priests and sisters from religious orders who serve with great faithfulness in the Diocese of Peterborough – and we will host them at the celebratory luncheon afterwards. This Mass for Consecrated Life is one of our first major Diocesan events for the Jubilee year, and I am delighted that it will also be livestreamed on St Mary's YouTube channel. You can look ahead to other planned events for the Jubilee on our Diocesan website.
I HEARD THE OFFICIAL HYMN FOR THE JUBILEE YEAR for the first time this week and both the words and the music are quite beautiful. You can listen to “Pilgrims of Hope” (and read the lyrics) on YouTube. Our Office for Spiritual Affairs has created a bookmark with the lyrics that has been sent to parishes so they can insert it in their hymnals for this year. I know many people dread learning new hymns, but I think this one will be a hit!
+Bishop Daniel
Hymn for the Jubilee Year 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope
Refrain: Like a flame my hope is burning,
may my song arise to you:
Source of life that has no ending,
on life’s path I trust in you.
1.Ev’ry nation, tongue, and people
find a light within your Word.
Scattered fragile sons and daughters
find a home in your dear Son.
2.God, so tender and so patient,
dawn of hope, you care for all.
Heav’n and earth are recreated
by the Spirit of Life set free.
3. Raise your eyes, the wind is blowing,
for our God is born in time.
Son made man for you and many
who will find the way in him.
Original text: Pierangelo Sequeri
English translation: Andrew Wadsworth
Music: Francesco Meneghello
3rd Sunday or Ordinary Time - January 26,2025
Jubilee Year Message
From the Canadian Bishops’ Development & Peace Organization
As we begin our journey for the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis reminds us that “hope should be granted to the billions of the poor who often lack the essentials of life and that “the goods of the Earth are not destined for a privileged few but for everyone.” (Spes Non Confundit, 15-16) Inspired by this call to justice, we are joining Caritas Internationalis’ campaign “Turn Debt into Hope” along with many other faith-based and civil society organizations.
Together, we urge decision-makers to prioritise people and planet over mere profit and demand debt justice for communities crushed by unjust and unpayable debts. As the Holy Father writes, “if we really wish to prepare a path to peace in our world, we must commit ourselves to remedying the remote causes of injustice, settling unjust and unpayable debts” (Spes Non Confundit, 16). This Jubilee year 2025, under the theme “Pilgrims of Hope,” Pope Francis invites Catholics to renew their hope and adopt a vision that can “restore access to the fruits of the earth to everyone.”
Parish Masses & Schedule
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, January 25, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, January 26, 9am - For the repose of Claude Nicholson and
Lois McDermott by Freda and Family
Sunday, January 26- We will have the Baptism of Ashlynn Jordan during
our 9 am Mass this week. Let us keep her and her family in prayer!
Weekday Masses
No Mass on Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30, 12:10pm
Friday, January 31, 12:10pm
4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, February 1, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, February 2, 9am - For the repose of Martin Quenneville by Bev
and family
Holy Hour/Confessions – Friday, January 31, 11am-12:00pm
Friday Faith Study – Hope does not Disappoint! – Friday January 31, 1pm-2pm
Offertory Collections
January 19 –$ 1230.00. Thank you for your generous giving!
Our Parish Friday Faith Study - Fridays, 1pm-2pm at St. John the Baptist
Jubilee 2025 – Hope Does Not Disappoint!
Exploring Pope Francis’ reflection for the Jubilee Year with a six week Bible study prepared by our Canadian Bishops.
The themes are:
1. A Universal Call to Jubilee: to be celebrated in Rome and worldwide
2. Hope: Rooted in Baptism and enlivened by the Holy Spirit, faith, hope, love, and patience sustain us.
3. A Journey of Hope: we are a pilgrim people.
4. Signs of Hope: the desire for peace and justice and the call to be signs of hope for the poor, imprisoned, sick and dying.
5. Appeals for Hope: ensuring the fruits of the earth are available to everyone, the forgiveness of debt, and celebrating the 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicea emphasizing our call to be synodal and to evangelize.
6. Anchored in Hope: the death and resurrection of Jesus, the witness of the Mother of God, the saints and martyrs, the gift of indulgences and their importance.
You will find a sign up sheet in the entrance area of the Church for this study.
From our Bishop
OUR INDIGENOUS RECONCILIATION FUND will soon open its third round of applications for projects. We are grateful to all those who have donated to his important cause and to the members of our IRF Committee who carefully screen the submissions, seeking projects that will promote the cause of Truth and Reconciliation in our Diocese. You can see more about the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund on our Peterborough Diocese website, including a list of those worthy projects that were supported in rounds one and two.
BLESSED CARLO ACUTIS AND BLESSED PIER GIORGIO FRASSATTI will both be canonized in this Jubilee Year of Hope: Bl. Carlo at the Jubilee for Teenagers on April 27, and Bl. Pier Giorgio as part of the Jubilee for Youth on August 3. Although the Diocese is not sponsoring pilgrimages to these events, parishes may wish to mark the canonization of these two remarkable young men! Blessed Carlo, who passed away in 2006 at the age of fifteen, is often referred to as “the first millennial saint.”
+Bishop Daniel
To gain access to all of FORMED’s content, follow these simple steps:
1. Go to
2. Click the "Sign Up" button at the top of the page
3. Select the "Sign up as a parishioner" option.
4. Search for Our Lady of Mercy Parish Honey Harbour, ON and select this parish.
5. Type your name and e-mail. You're now registered!
You will receive a welcome email, which provides you with the option of watching some intro videos that can help you navigate the platform with more ease. Formed can also be viewed/listened to on your smartphone!
You may send your Offertory/Donations to our parish
in an easier and a more direct way through E-Transfer.
Name: Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Tel: 705-756-2311,
Email: [email protected]
Please Consider Planned Giving Options
Preauthorized Offering Plan (POP) – (You may request a POP Form to fill up from the parish)
Regular Planned Giving annual increase in offertory based on Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Bequests through your last will and testament
Securities – Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, GICs
Life Insurance
You may send your Offertory/Donations to our parish
in an easier and a more direct way through E-Transfer.
Name: Our Lady of Mercy Parish, Tel: 705-756-2311,
Email: [email protected]
Please Consider Planned Giving Options
Preauthorized Offering Plan (POP) – (You may request a POP Form to fill up from the parish)
Regular Planned Giving annual increase in offertory based on Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Bequests through your last will and testament
Securities – Stocks, Bonds, Mutual Funds, GICs
Life Insurance

Weekend Masses:
Saturday 5 P.M.
Sunday 9 A.M
Weekday Masses: Wednesday-Friday 12:10pm
(please confirm by reading this weeks' bulletin)
Confessions: Fridays 11:30 - 12pm, Saturdays 4pm - 4:30pm
Weddings & Baptisms: Please Call the office
Weddings & Baptisms: Please Call the office

Reopens for Sunday Mass on the long weekend in May
Reopens for Sunday Mass on the long weekend in May
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
P.O. Box 126
2596 Honey Harbour Rd.
Honey Harbour, On P0E1E0
Fr. Charles Orchard - Parish Priest
Telephone: 705-756-2311
Email: [email protected]
Our Lady of Mercy Parish
P.O. Box 126
2596 Honey Harbour Rd.
Honey Harbour, On P0E1E0
Fr. Charles Orchard - Parish Priest
Telephone: 705-756-2311
Email: [email protected]