Our Parish Bulletin
Presentation of the Lord - February 2, 2025
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Mary and Joseph were faithful to the law when they came to present their forty-day-old Son in the temple and offer the prescribed sacrifice. Simeon and Anna show us, however, that more is necessary than obedience to the law in order to recognize the presence of the Son-Messiah. Filled with expectation, they were actively waiting and looking for “the Christ of the Lord” and the “redemption of Jerusalem.” Their very expectation and waiting was the work of the Holy Spirit within them. As with Simeon and Anna, our own lives must be filled with the expectation and waiting that is truly the work of the Holy Spirit within us. Only then will we see and recognize the Messiah in our midst.
Parish Masses & Schedule
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Saturday, February 1, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, February 2, 9am - For the repose of Martin Quenneville
by Bev and family
Weekday Masses
No Mass on Wednesday, February 5
Thursday, February 6, 12:10pm
Friday, February 7, 12:10pm
5th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, February 8, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, February 9, 9am - For the repose of the soul of Joseph Moreau by Ann and David
We will have the Blessing of Throats before and after weekend Masses on this weekend.
Holy Hour/Confessions – Friday, February 7, 11am-12:00pm
Friday Faith Study – Hope does not Disappoint! – Friday February 7, 1pm-2pm
Offertory Collections
January 26 –$ 505.00. Thank you for your generous giving!
From our Bishop
THE JUBILEE OF CONSECRATED LIFE will take place at St. Mary’s Church in Lindsay this Sunday, February 2 at the 11:00 a.m. Mass. This Feast of the Presentation of the Lord is annually the World Day for Consecrated Life, established by Pope St. John Paul II in 1997. It happens to fall on a Sunday this year which adds to the festivity! We have invited to this Mass priests and sisters from religious orders who serve with great faithfulness in the Diocese of Peterborough – and we will host them at the celebratory luncheon afterwards. This Mass for Consecrated Life is one of our first major Diocesan events for the Jubilee year, and I am delighted that it will also be livestreamed on St Mary's YouTube channel. You can look ahead to other planned events for the Jubilee on our Diocesan website.
I HEARD THE OFFICIAL HYMN FOR THE JUBILEE YEAR for the first time this week and both the words and the music are quite beautiful. You can listen to “Pilgrims of Hope” (and read the lyrics) on YouTube. Our Office for Spiritual Affairs has created a bookmark with the lyrics that has been sent to parishes so they can insert it in their hymnals for this year. I know many people dread learning new hymns, but I think this one will be a hit!
+Bishop Daniel
Hymn for the Jubilee Year 2025 - Pilgrims of Hope
Refrain: Like a flame my hope is burning,
may my song arise to you:
Source of life that has no ending,
on life’s path I trust in you.
1.Ev’ry nation, tongue, and people
find a light within your Word.
Scattered fragile sons and daughters
find a home in your dear Son.
2.God, so tender and so patient,
dawn of hope, you care for all.
Heav’n and earth are recreated
by the Spirit of Life set free.
3. Raise your eyes, the wind is blowing,
for our God is born in time.
Son made man for you and many
who will find the way in him.
Original text: Pierangelo Sequeri
English translation: Andrew Wadsworth
Music: Francesco Meneghello
3rd Sunday or Ordinary Time - January 26,2025
Jubilee Year Message
From the Canadian Bishops’ Development & Peace Organization
As we begin our journey for the 2025 Jubilee, Pope Francis reminds us that “hope should be granted to the billions of the poor who often lack the essentials of life and that “the goods of the Earth are not destined for a privileged few but for everyone.” (Spes Non Confundit, 15-16) Inspired by this call to justice, we are joining Caritas Internationalis’ campaign “Turn Debt into Hope” along with many other faith-based and civil society organizations.
Together, we urge decision-makers to prioritise people and planet over mere profit and demand debt justice for communities crushed by unjust and unpayable debts. As the Holy Father writes, “if we really wish to prepare a path to peace in our world, we must commit ourselves to remedying the remote causes of injustice, settling unjust and unpayable debts” (Spes Non Confundit, 16). This Jubilee year 2025, under the theme “Pilgrims of Hope,” Pope Francis invites Catholics to renew their hope and adopt a vision that can “restore access to the fruits of the earth to everyone.”
Parish Masses & Schedule
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, January 25, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, January 26, 9am - For the repose of Claude Nicholson and
Lois McDermott by Freda and Family
Sunday, January 26- We will have the Baptism of Ashlynn Jordan during
our 9 am Mass this week. Let us keep her and her family in prayer!
Weekday Masses
No Mass on Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, January 30, 12:10pm
Friday, January 31, 12:10pm
4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, February 1, 5pm - For the people of the parish
Sunday, February 2, 9am - For the repose of Martin Quenneville by Bev
and family
Holy Hour/Confessions – Cancelled -January 31
Friday Faith Study – Hope does not Disappoint! – Cancelled January 31
Offertory Collections
January 19 –$ 1230.00. Thank you for your generous giving!
Our Parish Friday Faith Study - Fridays, 1pm-2pm at St. John the Baptist
Jubilee 2025 – Hope Does Not Disappoint!
Exploring Pope Francis’ reflection for the Jubilee Year with a six week Bible study prepared by our Canadian Bishops.
The themes are:
1. A Universal Call to Jubilee: to be celebrated in Rome and worldwide
2. Hope: Rooted in Baptism and enlivened by the Holy Spirit, faith, hope, love, and patience sustain us.
3. A Journey of Hope: we are a pilgrim people.
4. Signs of Hope: the desire for peace and justice and the call to be signs of hope for the poor, imprisoned, sick and dying.
5. Appeals for Hope: ensuring the fruits of the earth are available to everyone, the forgiveness of debt, and celebrating the 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicea emphasizing our call to be synodal and to evangelize.
6. Anchored in Hope: the death and resurrection of Jesus, the witness of the Mother of God, the saints and martyrs, the gift of indulgences and their importance.
You will find a sign up sheet in the entrance area of the Church for this study.
From our Bishop
OUR INDIGENOUS RECONCILIATION FUND will soon open its third round of applications for projects. We are grateful to all those who have donated to his important cause and to the members of our IRF Committee who carefully screen the submissions, seeking projects that will promote the cause of Truth and Reconciliation in our Diocese. You can see more about the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund on our Peterborough Diocese website, including a list of those worthy projects that were supported in rounds one and two.
BLESSED CARLO ACUTIS AND BLESSED PIER GIORGIO FRASSATTI will both be canonized in this Jubilee Year of Hope: Bl. Carlo at the Jubilee for Teenagers on April 27, and Bl. Pier Giorgio as part of the Jubilee for Youth on August 3. Although the Diocese is not sponsoring pilgrimages to these events, parishes may wish to mark the canonization of these two remarkable young men! Blessed Carlo, who passed away in 2006 at the age of fifteen, is often referred to as “the first millennial saint.”
+Bishop Daniel
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, January 18, 5pm- For the repose of the soul of Frances Scott
by Fred and Elaine Cousineau
Sunday, January 19, 9am -- For the people of the parish
Weekday Masses
No Mass on Wednesday, January 22
Thursday, January 23, 12:10pm
Friday, January 24, 12:10pm
3rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, January 25, 5pm--- For the people of the parish
Sunday, January 26, 9am - For the repose of Claude Nicholson and
Lois McDermott by Freda and Family
Sunday, January 26- We will have the Baptism of Ashlynn Jordan during our 9 am Mass this week. Let us keep her and her family in prayer!
Holy Hour/Confessions – Friday, January 24, 11am-12:00pm
Offertory Collections
Baptism of the Lord Sunday, January 12 –$ 1222.50
Just a reminder that our diocesan Marriage Preparation Course
will take place online on Saturday May 10, 2025 with presentations on video being sent out for three weeks previous. Any couples preparing for marriage, should go to the link on the Peterborough Diocese website to register.
For the right to an education: Let us pray for migrants, refugees, and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.
First Communion!
We are pleased that Macy and Jadyn of our parish started their preparation for 1st Confession and 1st Communion this week with Pam Berko. Let us keep them and their families in prayer during this special time as we look forward to them celebrating these sacraments in our parish.
Friday, January 24- 1pm-2pm at St. John the Baptist
Jubilee 2025 – Hope Does Not Disappoint!
Exploring Pope Francis’ reflection for the Jubilee Year with a six week Bible study prepared by our Canadian Bishops.
The themes are:
1. A Universal Call to JubileeOur next parish Friday Faith Study begins this Week!
: to be celebrated in Rome and worldwide
2. Hope: Rooted in Baptism and enlivened by the Holy Spirit, faith, hope, love, and patience sustain us.
3. A Journey of Hope: we are a pilgrim people.
4. Signs of Hope: the desire for peace and justice and the call to be signs of hope for the poor, imprisoned, sick and dying.
5. Appeals for Hope: ensuring the fruits of the earth are available to everyone, the forgiveness of debt, and celebrating the 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicea emphasizing our call to be synodal and to evangelize.
6. Anchored in Hope: the death and resurrection of Jesus, the witness of the Mother of God, the saints and martyrs, the gift of indulgences and their importance.
You will find a sign up sheet in the entrance area of the Church for this study.
From our Bishop
THE WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY takes place this year from January 18 to 25.This year’s theme, inspired by the 1700th anniversary of
the Council of Nicaea, is “Do you believe this?” (Jn 11:26).
During this annual observance, Christians are encouraged to pray that the desire of the Lord, that “all may be one,” might be fulfilled. The theme for this year focuses on the 1700th Anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, which produced the Nicene Creed that we often profess at Mass. The resources for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity are produced jointly by the Vatican and the World Council of Churches, as noted on the Canadian Bishops’ website.
BECAUSE OF THIS MAJOR ANNIVERSARY OF THE NICENE CREED, I have asked that priests of the diocese to prioritize its use during this Jubilee Year. In Canada, we often incline to the use of the Apostles’ Creed, which is shorter and echoes the Baptismal Promises. Professing our faith with the Nicene Creed more often will help us to appreciate its richness and more developed theology of the Trinity.
+Bishop Daniel
The Baptism of the Lord - January 12, 2025
The Word of God Today
Because of the power of John's baptism, the people's expectation is that they have found the Christ in John. John points the people, however, to Jesus, who will bring an even more powerful baptism. The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus, so does the Holy Spirit descend upon us; Jesus is the beloved Son, so are we beloved children; God was well pleased with Jesus, so is God well pleased with us. To what does such a baptism call us? What do we expect? What does God expect? The Second Reading spells out what baptismal living looks like: "reject godless ways and worldly desires and to live temperately, justly, and devoutly." This is the rebirth to which God calls us. Over time and experience we grow to maturity as human beings, appreciating more and more fully both our roots and our potential. So, too, with baptism. We grow over time into understanding its meaning and its power.
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord
Saturday, January 11, 5pm- For the people of our parish.
Sunday, January 12, 9am -- For the repose of the soul of Martin Quenneville
by Bev and family.
Weekday Masses
No Mass on Wednesday, January 15
Thursday, January 16, 12:10pm
Friday, January 17, 12:10pm
2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Saturday, January 18, 5pm- For the repose of the soul of Frances Scott
by Fred and Elaine Cousineau
Sunday, January 19, 9am -- For the people of the parish
Holy Hour/Confessions – Friday, January 17, 11am-12:00pm
Bible Study – Prayer - Finding Intimacy with God
Final session: Friday, January 17- 1pm- 2pm
Offertory Collections
Epiphany Sunday –$ 525.00
Thank you for your kind greetings, cards and gifts at Christmas time!
I am blessed to be in your midst! I will continue to ask the Lord’s Blessing
for each of you in my daily prayers!
Fr. Charles
The Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph - December 29, 2024
Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God- January 1, 2025
As we contemplate the Incarnation of the Son of God, we praise God who created us to be in relationship and who, in the fullness of time, sent his Son to be a part of our family. Christmas is a celebration of the family. May today’s feast of the Holy Family of Jesus and Mary and Joseph teach us to value family life and to live in peace with one another as members of the one family of God.
Mass Schedule
All Masses/events held at St. John the Baptist Church, Port Severn
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Saturday, December 28, 5pm- For the repose of the Eileen Cadeau by Don Cadeau
Sunday, December 29, 9am -- For the repose of the souls of the deceased members of the Moreau family by Ralph and family.
Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God
Tuesday, December 31 - 5pm – For the repose of the soul of Frances Scott by Helen Kirouac
Wednesday, January 1 - 9am – For the people of the parish
No Weekday Masses Thursday, January 2 & Friday, Jan 3
Solemnity of the Epiphany
Saturday, January 4, 5pm- For the repose of the souls of Jeffery and Bertha Cadeau by Don Cadeau
Sunday, January 5, 9am -- For the repose of the souls of Phil and Brian Leduc by Valerie and family.
Offertory Collections
4th Sunday of Advent - $1375.00 Christmas - $1230.00
Thank you for your generous support of our parish!
Christmas Thanks!
As we gather to celebrate and the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ it is also a time to give thanks to God for all the blessings in our lives. I thank all of you for your deep faith, your witness and support of our parish in so many ways. Thank you to everyone who shares their time and talent to make our Masses so prayerful and welcoming. Thank you to everyone who assists to keep our buildings clean, beautiful decorated and well maintained. A special thank you from my family and myself for all your concern and prayers for my Father, Rod, during his illness these last six weeks. He is regaining his health and is in good spirits. Be assured of my daily prayers and thankfulness for the gift
of each of you! Merry Christmas! Fr. Charles
The Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God, January 1, 2025
The year opens with the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. Just as mothers are always the first to touch our lives, so we begin our spiritual journey under the loving gaze of Mary, the Mother of God and our mother. Mary gathers us, her children in Jesus Christ, under her care. Let us entrust to her our hopes and fears, our joys and sorrows. Today we also mark the 58th World Day of Prayer for Peace. May the Savior of the world, who brings God’s peace to his people, bless all of humanity with the gift of peace.
The World Day of Peace – January 1st
The theme chosen by Pope Francis is “Forgive us our trespasses: grant us your peace’’. This theme aligns with the spirit of the Jubilee Year, focusing on hope, forgiveness, and bringing people together. Inspired by Laudato Si’ and Fratelli Tutti, the message highlights the need for change to build lasting peace in our lives individually, in communities, and worldwide. In his message, the Holy Father states: “May 2025 be a year in which peace flourishes! A true and lasting peace that goes beyond quibbling over the details of agreements and human compromises. May we seek the true peace that is granted by God to hearts disarmed: hearts not set on calculating what is mine and what is yours; hearts that turn selfishness into readiness to reach out to others; hearts that see themselves as indebted to God and thus prepared to forgive the debts that oppress others; hearts that replace anxiety about the future with the hope that every individual can be a resource for the building of a better world.”
The Jubilee Prayer
Father in heaven, may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators
of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise for ever. Amen
The Nativity of the Lord, December 25, 2024
The Incarnation of the Word shows us that God has not condemned us but blessed us.
‘Blessed be God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ
with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places’ Eph 1:3
Pope Francis
Mass Schedule
All Masses/events held at St. John the Baptist Church, Port Severn
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
Tuesday, December 24 - 7pm- For the repose of the soul of Phil Leduc by Valerie and family
Wednesday, December 25 - 9am – For the people of the parish
No Weekday Masses Thursday, Dec 26 & Friday, Dec 27
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Saturday, December 28, 5pm- For the repose of the Eileen Cadeau by Don Cadeau
Sunday, December 29, 9am -- For the repose of the souls of the deceased members of the Moreau family by Ralph and family.
Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God
Tuesday, December 31 - 5pm – For the repose of the soul of Frances Scott by Helen Kirouac
Wednesday, January 1 - 9am – For the people of the parish
No Weekday Masses Thursday, January 2 & Friday, Jan 3
Solemnity of the Epiphany
Saturday, January 4, 5pm- For the repose of the souls of Jeffery and Bertha Cadeau by Don Cadeau
Sunday, January 5, 9am -- For the repose of the souls of Phil and Brian Leduc by Valerie and family.
Christmas Thanks!
As we gather to celebrate and the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ it is also a time to give thanks to God for all the blessings in our lives. I thank all of you for your deep faith, your witness and support of our parish in so many ways. Thank you to everyone who shares their time and talent to make our Masses so prayerful and welcoming. Thank you to everyone who assists to keep our buildings clean, beautiful decorated and well maintained. A special thank you from my family and myself for all your concern and prayers for my Father, Rod, during his illness these last six weeks. He is regaining his health and is in good spirits. Be assured of my daily prayers and thankfulness for the gift
of each of you! Merry Christmas! Fr. Charles
Dear Friends in Christ,
This Christmas, like all those before, is a celebration of joy and hope, as it proclaims the wondrous love of God for us. In a Christmas homily a few years ago, Pope Francis reminded us that the birth of Christ brings people hope and courage in troubled times. A Christmas carol lyric puts it even more poetically: “the hopes and fears of all the years are met in thee tonight.” The coming of God to redeem us, promised so long ago, proclaims that we are precious and beloved. This knowledge invites us to face the future with courage and confidence, despite any challenges or fears that may afflict us.
The theme of hope is even more pronounced this Christmas, as Pope Francis will inaugurate the Jubilee year on Christmas Eve at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. The Church celebrates such Jubilees every twenty-five years, and the Holy Father has declared this holy year to be a Jubilee of Hope. We are invited, with the universal Church, to embark on this celebration, and to embrace the great virtue of hope – one that will be lived out in our desire for peace, our respect for life and our loving care for those who suffer in any way.
The Solemn Opening of the Jubilee in our diocese will take place at the Cathedral of St. Peter-in-Chains on the Feast of the Holy Family, Sunday, December 29 at the 10:30 a.m. Mass, an event that I am looking forward to celebrating. Though it is a busy time of year and not all of you live close to Peterborough, I invite and encourage you to join me for this Mass, as we initiate the Jubilee of Hope in our diocese.
May this great Christmas season, when we celebrate God’s love revealed in “a child born for us,” instill in our hearts an ever-deeper hope and inspire us to bring hope to others. May the joy of Christ’s birth, the foundation of our hope, be with you and yours this Christmas.
Yours in Christ,
+Daniel Miehm
Bishop of Peterborough
This Christmas while your children & grandchildren are home from school, take advantage of the family friendly catholic online content on Formed.org - free of charge through the Peterborough Diocese subscription!
Enjoy programs such as St. Nicholas: The Boy Who Became Santa, The Twelve Days of Christmas Dance with Marcam and Hildegard’s Gift.
Take a few minutes to sign up!
To gain access to all of FORMED’s content, follow these simple steps:
1. Go to https://signup.formed.org/
2. Click the "Sign Up" button at the top of the page
3. Select the "Sign up as a parishioner" option.
4. Search for Our Lady of Mercy Parish Honey Harbour, ON and select this parish.
5. Type your name and e-mail. You're now registered!
You will receive a welcome email, which provides you with the option of watching some intro videos that can help you navigate the platform with more ease. Formed can also be viewed/listened to on your smartphone!
4th Week of Advent- December 22, 2024
The Word of God this Sunday
The 1st Reading from the Prophet Micah can lead us to ponder how astounding and unexpected it is that the majestic ruler of Israel should come from so small and insignificant a place as Bethlehem. Even more astounding is that the Son of God should come to share our humanity.
In the Gospel the young and pregnant Mary went in haste to Elizabeth’s house, entered, and greeted her. Elizabeth recognized and responded to the mystery taking place. She expressed astonishment, wonder, amazement: “how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” An even greater astonishment, wonder, amazement: the Lord himself comes to us. How do we respond?
All Masses/events held at St. John the Baptist Church, Port Severn
4th Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 21, 5pm - For the repose of the soul
of Frances Scott by Val Leduc & family
Sunday, December 22, 9am - For the repose of the souls of the deceased members of the Corbier and Phillip Families by Mark and Mary Rose Vessair
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
Tuesday, December 24 - 7pm- For the repose of the soul of Phil Leduc
by Val and family
Wednesday, December 25 - 9am – For the people of the parish
No Weekday Masses Thursday Dec 26 & Friday Dec 27
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Saturday, December 28, 5pm- For the repose of the Eileen Cadeau by Don Cadeau
Sunday, December 29, 9am -- For the repose of the souls of the deceased members of the Moreau family by Ralph and family.
Offertory Collections – December 15- $680.00. Thank you for your support!
From our Bishop
OUR 10 P.M. CHRISTMAS EVE MASS at the Cathedral will be televised by Cogeco/Your TV, who kindly broadcast this Mass every second year. Additionally, it is picked up by other Cogeco stations across the province and so is viewed by many people in Ontario. It is always a nice chance to show off our Cathedral and the celebration of this major liturgical feast of the Lord’s Nativity! Please join us at the Cathedral this Christmas eve as we gather to celebrate Christ’s birth with family, friends and visitors from near and far. All are welcome! (Please note that our 10:30 a.m. Christmas Day Mass will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel.)
POPE FRANCIS INAUGURATES THE JUBILEE YEAR (Pilgrims of Hope) on Christmas eve at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. Locally, we will celebrate the Opening of the Jubilee Year at our 10:30 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral on Sunday, December 29th. The Jubilee Mass will also be livestreamed on our YouTube channel. Check out our Peterbough Diocese website for information and frequent updates about events in the Jubilee Year. May this coming year be for us a great celebration and true experience of growing in faith, hope and charity.
+Bishop Daniel
Thank you for your prayers!
I mentioned to the parish that my Father, Rod Orchard, has not been well for the last month. He was admitted to the Cobourg Hospital mid November with a serious staph infection that is affecting his lungs and his spine. He will remain in Hospital for at least another month. He is progressing well and is in good spirits. As he is my Mom- Cathy’s caregiver, my brother and I are spending time at the family home to assist her. I will be offsite in Cobourg for some weekdays each week but will be monitoring the parish phone for emergencies. Thank you for your concern and your prayers. Fr. Charles
3rd Sunday of Advent- December 15, 2024
The Word of God This Sunday
St. John the Baptist’s clear and unequivocal answers to “What should we do?” gave direction to people’s lives. John’s good news, however, went beyond merely telling the people how to behave toward each other, but also instilled expectation in them. His good news pointed to the One who is all Good News, “a mighty savior” who is in our midst (First Reading), who is near (see Second Reading). The Good News is not a message but a person—Jesus.
Mass Schedule
All Masses/events held at St. John the Baptist Church, Port Severn
3rd Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 14, 5pm- For the repose of the souls of Arthur and Marie Gendron, by Laurie and Annette Gendron
Sunday, December 15, 9am - For Claude Nicholson and Lois McDermott by Freda and Family
Weekday Masses
No Mass on Wednesday, December 18
Thursday, December 19, 12:10pm
Friday, December 20, 12:10pm
4th Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 21, 5pm - For the repose of the soul
of Frances Scott by Val Leduc & family
Sunday, December 22, 9am - For the repose of the souls of the deceased members of the Corbier and Phillip Families by Mark and Mary Rose Vessair
Holy Hour/Confessions – Friday, December 20, 11am-12:00pm
Offertory Collections – December 8- $1040.00. Maintenance - $500.00
Thank you for your support!
Thank you for your prayers!
I mentioned to the parish that my Father, Rod Orchard, has not been well for the last month. He was admitted to the Cobourg Hospital mid November with a serious staph infection that is affecting his lungs and his spine. He will remain in Hospital for at least another month. He is progressing well and is in good spirits. As he is my Mom- Cathy’s caregiver, my brother and I are spending time at the family home to assist her. I will be offsite in Cobourg most most Sundays- Wednesdays but monitoring the parish phone for emergencies. Thank you for your concern and your prayers. Fr. Charles
- Christmas Mass Schedule
Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord
Tuesday, December 24 - 7pm
Wednesday, December 25 - 9am
Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Saturday, December 28 – 5pm
Sunday , December 29 - 9am
Solemnity of the Mary, the Mother of God
Tuesday, December 31 – 5pm
Wednesday, January 1 - 9am
Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord
Saturday, January 4 – 5pm
Sunday, January 5 - 9am
From our Bishop
THE RESTORATION OF OUR CATHEDRAL - ST. PETER-IN-CHAINS (Peterborough) is progressing, with work on the new roof nearing completion. Recent efforts have focused on the magnificent steeple, as anyone who drives by and sees the scaffolding can tell. We received the good news that the cross will be replaced atop the steeple next week. You may recall that the old cross was sheered off in the “derecho” storm that blew through Peterborough in May of 2023, wreaking such havoc here and in other regions. The new cross has arrived at the Cathedral compound is awaiting its installation. I look forward to blessing it next week – very safely from ground level
IF IT HAS BEEN A WHILE SINCE YOU CHECKED OUT “FORMED,” (the rich Catholic video library) this is a great time to re-connect. They have a whole range of offerings for Advent and Christmas, videos for children, teens and adults. In the busy rush of this season, these resources can help us focus on the deep meaning of all that we celebrate. A reminder that these resources are free to you, by virtue of our three-year subscription to Formed in the Diocese of Peterborough. So, this is the time to sign back into your account or create an account by going to our Diocesan website here.”
See details on back page of this bulletin
+Bishop Daniel
1st Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2024
The Word of God This Sunday
The Gospel reading from St. Luke today is not really about the end of the world; it is about the completion of the kingdom. The Second Coming of Christ is not a deadline; it is an invitation and incentive to live in a certain way in the present time. The Gospel calls us to be vigilant not about a future event but about a present way of living shaped by the Jesus before whom we stand.
Our destiny is to share in the Son of Man’s “great glory.” The reading from the letter to the Thessalonians spells out quite clearly what our daily vigilance looks like. We are to abound in love, be blameless in holiness, conduct ourselves to be pleasing to God, receive instructions given “through the Lord Jesus.”
Mass Schedule
All Masses/events held at St. John the Baptist Church, Port Severn
1st Sunday of Advent
Saturday, November 30, 5pm- For the repose of the soul of Jane Reid,
by Madeline Blackburn
Sunday, December 1, 9am - For the people of the parish
Weekday Masses
No Mass on Wednesday, December 4
Thursday, December 5, 12:10pm
Friday, December 6, 12:10pm
2nd Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 7, 5pm - For the repose of the souls
of Joseph and Josephine King by Don Cadeau
Sunday, December 8, 9am - For the people of the parish.
Holy Hour/Confessions – Friday, December 6, 11am-12:00pm
Bible Study – Prayer- Friday, December 6, 1pm-2:00pm
Offertory Collections - November 24- $625.00. Thank you for your support!
The Advent Season is a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and to the anniversary of Our Lord’s birth on Christmas. From the earliest days of the Church, people have been fascinated by Jesus’ promise to come back. But the scripture readings during Advent tell us not to waste our time with predictions. Advent is not about speculation. Our Advent readings call us to be alert and ready, not weighted down and distracted by the cares of this world (Lk 21:34-36).
Like Lent, the liturgical color for Advent is purple since both are seasons that prepare us for great feast days. Advent also includes an element of penance in the sense of preparing, quieting, and disciplining our hearts for the full joy of Christmas. The final days of Advent, from December 17 to December 24, we focus on our preparation for the celebrations of the Nativity of our Lord at Christmas. In particular, the "O" Antiphons (The text of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel”) are sung during this period and have been by the Church since at least the eighth century. They are a magnificent theology that uses ancient biblical imagery drawn from the messianic hopes of the Old Testament to proclaim the coming of Christ as the fulfillment not only of Old Testament hopes, but of present ones as well. Advent devotions including the Advent wreath, remind us of the meaning of the season. Using an Advent calendar can help you fully enter into the season with daily activity and prayer suggestions to prepare you spiritually for the birth of Jesus Christ.
From our Bishop
“JOURNEY THROUGH ADVENT WITH MARY is the theme of this year’s Advent video series from the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops. These brief videos produced by the bishops are a wonderful way to embrace the spirit of the liturgical seasons. This year’s presenter is Archbishop Francis Leo of Toronto, filmed from the sanctuary of St. Michael’s Cathedral. Each week, Archbishop Leo reflects on the Gospel from the upcoming Sunday Mass. As a Marian scholar of some note, he will have excellent insights to share. The first video of the series has been released: it and the others can be viewed on the CCCB Utube channel or on their website.
NOTRE DAME CATHEDRAL IN PARIS will re-open next week, five-and-a-half years after the devastating fire that did so much damage to this magnificent church. I recall with great sadness the television images of that fire in 2019; it is now with equal joy that the Church celebrates the re-opening of this Cathedral, truly an iconic place in the history of Christianity. “Reuters” recently had an article that gives a nice summary of the
“fall and rise” of Notre Dame. “
+Bishop Daniel